Así como la masacre de Palestina está marcando el nivel más bajo de degradación al que puede llegar la Humanidad en su conjunto, el encarcelamiento torturante de Julian Assange trasluce y destroza el conjunto de falacias en que se basan la supuesta «libertad», «democracia» y «respeto por los derechos humanos» del sistema capitalista. También su proclamada «libertad de prensa».
Perseguir y encarcelar a quien denuncia los crímenes del Imperio Occidental, no debería dejarse pasar por alto bajo ningún criterio de justicia y democracia. Desde el punto de vista de la profesión periodista, la vergüenza de no tener ni siquiera «espíritu corporativo» para la defensa de Assange, siguiendo los dictados de la Casa Blanca les persiguirá durante mucho tiempo.
Este próximo día 20 de febrero la «justicia» inglesa decide sobre su extradición a EE.UU., donde la espera a buen seguro la tortura en prisión de por vida. La dignidad humana tiene una oportunidad en la lucha por su liberación. Hemos de darnos prisa y ser eficientes.
En aquest video teniu una crida i una explicació sobre el cas Assange:
Cal fer córrer aquest vídeo abans del 20 de febrer a les 19 hores. Passa-ho (
Adjunto parte de la campaña que se está haciendo por su liberación, desde Inglaterra
Julian Assange has been imprisoned for 1716 days |
Free Assange End of Year Newsletter |
The UK High Court has confirmed that a public hearing will take place on 20-21 February 2024. The two-day hearing may be the final chance for Julian Assange to prevent his extradition to the United States. If extradited, Julian faces a sentence of 175 years for exposing war crimes committed by the United States in the Afghan and Iraq wars. Pledge your attendance here for Day X protest. Gather outside the court at 8:30am on both days. It’s now or never! To increase global support and to hear the latest update on the Assange case a public rally will be held on 18 January 2024 with speakers like Julian’s wife Stella, UK MPs David Davis and Richard Burgon, and more. Register your seat and find out here for more details. WHAT DOES JULIAN WANT FOR CHRISTMAS? UK Citizens: This holiday, consider gifting Julian the hope of returning to his family by writing to UK Secretary of State for the Home Department, James Cleverly, urging him to block the extradition. We’ve made it easy for you with a handy form( US citizens and residents: Contact your congressional representatives and ask them to sign the new bipartisan congressional resolution calling on charges against Julian Assange to be dropped. Call your representatives and write to them today and urge them to sign House Res Resolution 934. Here’s how: The action to grant honorary citizenship to Julian has been a forefront campaign in Italy. This initiative is now a role model in Germany. Cities and municipalities are accepting applications for granting honorary citizenship to Julian Assange. If you are a German citizen, find a sample application on the Common Welfare Lobby website Check out the WikiLeaks online Advent Calendar with videos featuring significant cables published by WikiLeaks and their impact on the world. Julian’s favourite cable will culminate on Christmas day. Stay tuned and don’t forget to share. Show your support on social media by changing your profile logo to ‘Free Julian Assange’. Download the image and ask your family and friends to do the same. Join the fight and stand up for Julian. Don’t stop until he is free and back home with us. This show of solidarity keeps Julian’s spirits strong as he fights an epic battle for his life and for the future of our freedoms. From everyone at the Free Assange campaign we wish you a very happy holiday season and New Year and thank you for your continued support. Free Assange Campaign |
We Urgently need Your Help |
If you feel generous over Christmas and would like to help another way, donate to our campaign so we can organize the Day X protests to free Julian. All donations go towards printing leaflets, banners, placards and other organizational purposes. Undertaking the next step in the legal process and defending Julian in the High Court costs money. We cannot do it alone and we need your help. Support the UK extradition legal costs and donate to Crowdjustece. |
Free Assange Emergency Toolkit |
Not sure what else you can do? Check out this Free Assange Emergency Toolkit with lots of ideas and actions you can take. The page is being updated regularly so make sure to check back. If you are in Australia and would like to help from there go to Assange Campaign and find out how you can help. The Assange Defense Committee is a U.S. coalition fighting to free the WikiLeaks founder. Find out here how you can get in involved form the States and how to participate in actions and events. |